RESURFACING: Frequently asked questions

Q. Why are you doing this?
A. We are contracted to maintain the roads and pavements in the city. The location has been highlighted as requiring resurfacing works to increase the longevity of the road.

Q. What impact could the roadworks have on me?
A. There will be no on-street parking in the road during excavation, surfacing and road markings. Please be advised that any vehicle hindering or obstructing our operations will need to be moved under The Portsmouth City Council (Tertiary Road Network - Various Roads) (Temporary Prohibition of Driving and Waiting) (No.59) Order 2020. Please park your vehicle in an alternative location such as on neighbouring streets to help us complete the work quickly.

Road users are advised to expect some delays and use alternative routes where possible. Please also allow extra time for journeys. We will endeavour to maintain vehicular access for residents and businesses, however, this will be restricted at times. Footways will be open for pedestrians.

Q. Will the work be noisy?
A. Some aspects of this work will be noisy, mostly the excavation of the road surface. There will also be bleepers from our vehicles when reversing, these are mandatory for health and safety reasons. We will endeavour to keep all noise to a minimum and your patience on this matter is appreciated.

Q. Where can I find out more information about this work?
A. For more information you can contact us on 023 92 310900 or visit Our Twitter page is updated daily with information about work in your area. Please follow @ColasPortsmouth.